Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Thirty second rule is not just for food

I often write about Return on Investment ideas and today’s tip is high on ROI. We all know the thirty second rule about dropped food, but here is another thirty second rule to help you stay organized.

Today’s post takes around one minute to read and can save anyone who spends time with others up to ten times that amount of time in a single incident.

An organized person should be able to find whatever s/he is looking for in thirty seconds or less—yes, WHATEVER—that favorite blue sweater, the flyswatter, any document saved on your hard drive—WHATEVER. If you cannot find what you are looking ofr in thirty seconds, make a plan to get more organized. Organization will be continue to be addressed in the next several blog posts.

In the meantime here is the thirty second organizational tip that may surprise you: Offer a finder’s fee. Yes, a finder’s fee. It’s simple, just shout out, “Whoever finds the flyswatter gets twenty-five cents.” Your lost item will be found in less than thirty seconds. Depending on your situation, you may need to offer more than twenty-five cents, but you get the idea. The “fee” could be an extra dessert, a pass on helping clean the kitchen, or an extra ten minutes of time in the bathroom. 

Try it—it will help you find what you need quickly and add some humor in this stressful time of year.

In the next post, I will offer another time saver that I learned from the same sister who uses the finders fee—purple people washers.