Sunday, January 26, 2014


In the January 17 post, I mentioned that setting a small goal of working on a task for 10 minutes has been helpful to me and usually spurs me on to work longer on that task. Other experts mention similar ideas. Gretchen Ruben calls the ideas “suffer for 15 minutes.” Here is an excerpt from Ruben’s blog about procrastination that I found to be too true.  I have found her “suffer for 15 minutes” tip to be helpful.
What parts of her advice have you tried or what would you like to try?

Working might be procrastination Gretchen Ruben
I keep track of all my Secrets of Adulthood—the lessons I’ve learned, with difficulty, as I’ve grown up.
A very helpful Secret of Adulthood is: Working is one of the most dangerous forms of procrastination.
When I have to do something I don’t want to do, any other task seems irresistibly enticing.
Sometimes, this tendency can be productive. I may not have gotten that piece written, but my office is clean, my errands are done, and I’ve cleared out a lot of email.
The problem is that—yes, I’ve been productive, but not in the right way. That piece still isn’t finished!
These days,  I’m careful to be honest with myself about what “work” I need to do, and I recognize thework-as-procrastination excuse. I’m also wary of the related tendency: busy-work-as-procrastinationexcuse. Re-formatting a document isn’t writing! Unfocused reading on the internet isn’t research!
When a task is truly horrible, I sometimes tackle it with the resolution to Suffer for 15 minutes.
How about you? Do you procrastinate by working—by cleaning, organizing, answering emails, cruising the internet, making plans, or the like?

Reprinted with permission. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Simple, specific, small

In the last post I discussed the positive power that closet goal setting has for me.

However, that post reminded me that most goal setters need the opposite. Rather than keep goals to ourselves, most find that public declaration of a goal and outside motivators such as family spur us to achieve our goals. 
So whether a goal is private or public, a goal setting staple--the three S's—will help anyone achieve a desired goal. The three S’s of achieving a goal include keeping it simple, specific, and small.

Keeping goals simple, specific, and small make them achievable. Achieving a “Three S” goal spurs us on to working toward the next goal and soon the simple, specific, small goals add up to achieving a major goal.

An example might be to set a goal of working on school work for 10 minutes each school day for three weeks. Once we have achieved that goal, the next goal would be to turn in assignments on time. The next goal would be to earn a B in the course. The next goal would be to earn at least a B in the next set of courses. The next goal would be to earn enough credits by the end of the school year to be half way to a diploma...well, you see where this is headed.

What examples can anyone share about successes in setting short goals that led to success in major goals?  Goal setting cannot be separated from time management. We will continue to discuss the topic of goal setting and time management in the next two posts. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Closet goal setting

In this morning’s comic strip, Dennis the Menace said, “The best thing about the New Year, Joey, is we can all just start over.”

It is time for me to start over and to renew my commitment to write a blog post at least once a month. One of the SMART goal elements states that a goal is more achievable if we set a time frame. The SMART goal formula also states that missing a deadline is not an excuse to abandon important goals.  See more about SMART goals in my October 9, 2013 post, “Some things bear repeating.”
I have missed some of my self-imposed deadlines over the past few months, but will not use that as an excuse to abandon by goals. 

Here is my first blog post for 2014:

Many goal-setting experts contend that sharing a goal or making it public makes it easier to achieve. I have NOT found that to be true in my own life. I have had more success as a closet goal setter. The goals I have kept private or partially private have been more successful for me. For instance, I kept my doctoral program progress private from my family and friends until I was at least half way completed. At that point I told my parents but refused to let my mother tell extended family members until I had positively defended my dissertation. Of course, sometimes I have been forced to set goals in a semi-public format such as an annual work review or a team wellness challenge. I always set those goals on the low end and privately challenge myself to supersede the goal. For instance, if I set my team wellness goal to walk five miles a week, I privately set a goal to walk eight miles.

This closet goal setting has worked well for me in the past. I have not seen this method published anywhere. Has anyone else? Has there been research done? Are any of you closet goal setters? If you have had trouble keeping goals in the past, try closet setting. Share your experiences here.