Tuesday, September 2, 2014

ROI for building trusting culture

Happy school start, all. 

As promised, here is more information from the Aptos California High School website at http://www.aptoshs.net/cliq9

These strategies are the gold standard for developing the trusting culture that supports learning—not just for low expectancy students, but for ALL students:

The teacher exhibits behaviors that demonstrate value and respect for…students.
The teacher provides…students with nonverbal indications that they are valued and respected:
• Makes eye contact
• Smiles
• Makes appropriate physical contact
The teacher provides…students with verbal indications that they are valued and respected:
• Playful dialogue
• Addressing students in a manner they view as respectful
Teacher does not allow negative comments about…students

Students notice the expectations:
When asked, students say that the teacher cares for all students
Students treat each other with respect

In May I called these ideas, “high-impact/low-time-consuming strategies.” Think of these strategies as equivalent to the business term, ROI—return on investment. In other words, the teacher makes a high learning return with a small time investment—my kind of strategy.
Have a great start to the year. I will include more ROI strategies for teachers in the next post and then switch to ROI strategies for learners in future posts.