Thursday, June 9, 2016

Steer time, prioritize tasks, and approach in a planned way to complete project

Read time is approximately 2 minutes

Perhaps you are starting a summer project that you have been promising yourself to complete for a long time. 
The excerpt from the post by Dr. Ipsita Sarangi first appeared in the WizIQ blog in 2014 and is still relevant today in helping you complete that summer project. She reminds us of why managing time is essential and highlights six keys for time management in a work environment; the first one and the last one are the most critical in completing a project or any arena. 

The following excerpt gives us motivation to start managing our time. In the next post I’ll share some specific tips I have learned in prioritizing my tasks and sustaining motivation to finish a task.

Sarangi’s three most important phrases in the excerpt include steering time, prioritize tasks, and approach in a planned way:

How often do you find time galloping out of your hands? Weekly, Daily, Hourly? For many it seems that there’s just never sufficient time in the day to get everything done.

Truly in the words of Peter F.Drucker
Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.”

Do you know how some people are able to pencil in so many diverse activities into their agenda, while others hardly seem to have time for a task?
Do you think they are genius? Not sure.
Are they more systematized? May be.
Better at steering time? Likely.

Time is a unique, irreplaceable, non-renewable resource that is one of the major building blocks for the successful completion of the project... Dealing with deadlines and other time constraints on a daily basis has made…time management…essential for good project management.
Once one knows how to manage their time, they will be able to maximize what they do…at work and thereby reduce their stress levels.

Time Management in a Project:
1) Aids to prioritize the tasks – Efficacious time management advocates daily tasks by prioritizing them. Once you align the tasks in order of importance, you can deal with them one at a time. If a project manager is aware of what chores are important for himself and his project, he would not waste time on trivial matters and have the extra time to concentrate on other crucial issues.
6) Creates discipline – Time always ticks away. But with good practice of time management, you are less likely to procrastinate. Time management leads to higher potency and disciplined ways to complete the project.
Hence, time management avoids last minute haste and…develops a rational overview of commitments. It brings forth an approach in a planned way to produce effective, efficient, higher quality pieces of work.

Also stayed tuned to this blog to see more concrete ideas about prioritizing tasks and creating discipline to complete tasks and projects.